On the left, the Museum of Science, the harp-like structure is a suspension bridge with the dark parabola of the Agora beyond.
A three-quarter view of the Palau de les Arts Sofia (Opera House)
The Palau de les Arts Sofia seen from the west. The conical structure encloses an elevator.
The eastern end of the Palau de les Arts Sofia from the Pont de Montolivet.
Looking up.
The supporting structure of the Pont de Montolivet frames the Hemisfèric theatre. The Museum of Science is to the left and the Umbracle to the right.
Under the Opera House.
Under the Pont de Montolivet.
The Hemisfèric, IMAX Theatre.
Roof of the Umbracle.
The Science Museum.
Science Museum roof windows.
Pont l’Assut de l’Or suspension bridge.
Monumental stairs at the Opera House.
On the left, the Museum of Science, the harp-like structure is a suspension bridge with the dark parabola of the Agora beyond.
A three-quarter view of the Palau de les Arts Sofia (Opera House)
The Palau de les Arts Sofia seen from the west. The conical structure encloses an elevator.
The eastern end of the Palau de les Arts Sofia from the Pont de Montolivet.
Looking up.
The supporting structure of the Pont de Montolivet frames the Hemisfèric theatre. The Museum of Science is to the left and the Umbracle to the right.
Under the Opera House.
Under the Pont de Montolivet.
The Hemisfèric, IMAX Theatre.
Roof of the Umbracle.
The Science Museum.
Science Museum roof windows.
Pont l’Assut de l’Or suspension bridge.
Monumental stairs at the Opera House.