1952 or 1953
Early on a winter morning, when I was aged 9 or 10, I went outside and witnessed a scene that captured my imagination. To the east of our house was a vacant block where our neighbours, the Clarkes, had an almond orchard with enclosures for chickens and ducks. A chicken wire face separated the properties and others enclosed the chooks and ducks. A misty rain had fallen that night and drops of water hung in the still air on the fence wires and every twig and bud.
The sun had recently risen and all the water drops contained a sparkling image of the sun creating a once in a lifetime fairytale scene. I ran to get the family box camera to record the moment.
That may not have been the first photograph I had ever taken, but because of the strong memory and the disappointment that followed, it is the most memorable. The disappointment came after I received the prints from the local chemist. The print was overexposed and showed no trace of the diamond lights that so impressed me.
Fast forward to 2025
I saw a grubby white box while rummaging around in the back of a cupboard. What could be in there? It was the same disappointing box camera. Labels revealed it as a Box Ensign 2¼ B, made in England around 1923 and sold through Harringtons Ltd. in Australia and New Zealand at a cost of about $100 in today's terms. Would it still work? It looked in excellent condition, and after cleaning the body and removing haze from the simple meniscus lens, it could pass as new.
I pondered exposure settings. The shutter release had two settings, Instant and Time. An internet search revealed that the most likely shutter speed was 1/30 second. When set on Time, operating the shutter release would open the shutter and a second operation would close it. So far so good. Next was the f-stop - this is clearly a sophisticated camera because it has two f-stops. By sliding a lever, a black mask can be moved to select either of two holes, but what were their f-values?
I cut a piece of paper into a slightly tapered wedge. I dropped it into each mask hole and marked the paper where it met the hole's edge. By measuring the width of the wedge at the mark and by measuring the distance from the lens to the focal plane, I calculated the f-stops to be f-11 and f-22.
Then there’s the tricky matter of film speed. In the 1920s there was no standard. Different manufacturers and even different batches of film could have variations in speed, so there is no way of knowing the exact ASA number (the precursor to ISO) would have been. Typically films were much slower with ASA in the 12-50 range and likely 25. I used Ilford FP4 Plus ISO 125 black and white film. ISO 125 is 2.25 stops faster than what would have been available in the 20s. By the 1950s, when I first used the camera, film technology had advanced significantly with ASA ranges from 32 or 50 to Tri-X, ASA 200. All of this is interesting but not very helpful. Roll film is a multi-format film designed for use in different cameras. In the Box Ensign, 6 cm x 9 cm negatives are produced.
I set my Sony camera on ISO 125 and 1/30 second. On a sunny day around mid-day, it showed f-20 - perfect - I think. Perfection or otherwise would be revealed after developing and printing. The default f-stop on the box camera is f/22, so with that settled it was time to take photos.
I had the feeling that I was setting myself up for another disappointment.